What food is best for enjoying a hookah?



Many smokers like to combine food consumption with hookah smoking, but not everyone thinks about what is more appropriate and what is better not to eat while smoking. Did you know that hookah harms an empty stomach? Yes, this is what provokes headaches and increased pressure, and sometimes nausea and weakness. What food is best for smoking hookah?

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Hookah is an oriental invention, so of course, oriental sweets are considered a great addition to smoking hookah: Turkish delicacy, baklava, churchkhela, halva. But unfortunately, not all hookahs or houses have an assortment of oriental cuisine. A good alternative would be: cakes, fruit desserts, jelly, soft candies, sweet cakes and pastries. Chocolate, chocolate candies - a great sweet when smoking coffee flavors, but not always fruit.

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Fruits, berries and vegetables

Fruit plate - is always a good choice when smoking a hookah. The most suitable fruits are similar to the taste of tobacco: melons, pineapples, apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries. You won't get plenty to eat, but you don't need to smoke hookah. Vegetables are also a great choice, but it’s not for everyone to love. Berries, fruits and vegetables refresh, do not overflow the stomach, are saturated with nutrients, quench thirst.

Do not eat fatty foods

Many smokers like to combine hookah with fast food. However, together with your favorite food in Lithuania, such as fatty and heavy pizza, cheburek or kebab, it will be difficult to relax and enjoy the taste of hookah. By the way, doctors do not recommend eating such food, because such food overloads the stomach, increases blood circulation to the digestive system, blood (respectively oxygen) gets into the head worse. The consequence is dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness.

And some tips from us:

Do not smoke on an empty stomach.

Eat sweets, fruits, berries or vegetables while smoking a hookah.

It is better to give up fatty and heavy foods by smoking hookah.


And what snacks do you enjoy while smoking a hookah?

We hope our tips help you have fun! Share the article with friends, let them also know what is better to eat while smoking a hookah and what is better to avoid.


I wish you delicious smoke,
Hookahshop.lt team!

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Smoking harms your health and those around you, this article is for informational purposes only and not advertising. By reading this article, you agree that you are an adult. Reading this article You agree that you are an adult.
Read more: Smoking harm to your body - a preventive article

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