Diffuser in a hookah, what is it? What influence does it have?

Diffuser on hookah

Diffuser in a hookah, does it affect the pull of the hookah?

Hookah traction is divided into light traction and classic traction - as much force as is needed to pull the hookah smoke to get the smoke through the bowls, shaft and flask before reaching our lungs.

Easy hook pull:
Easy hook pulling is when we can add smoke without much effort to extract this thrust using a diffuser. Lighter traction hookahs have wider shafts, so more air is drawn in when pulling smoke, this traction fascinates not all hookah fans.

Classic hookah traction:
Classic traction is when effort is required to incorporate smoke, it is heavier and is not extracted by a diffuser. Classical traction previously existed in Egyptian Khalil Mamoon hookahs they do not use a diffuser.

What determines the attraction of a hookah?

  • From the diameter of the shaft
  • From Bowl packaging or loose tobacco and what bowl is used
  • From the diffuser and flask in which the water level affects
  • From the diameter of the mouthpiece

Why use a hookah diffuser?
The hookah diffuser is used to divide the air flow from one large to several small bubbles, which will help to better disperse the smoke, reduce the noise of smoking and facilitate traction.
Diffuser on hookah is always at the bottom of the hookah tube (shaft) which is immersed in water. The diffuser reduces the likelihood that water will enter the hookah gut.
Modern hookahs use new diffusers to regulate hook pull. So to get a light thrust (with a diffuser) - the diffuser must have more open holes. For medium draft - leave fewer holes in the diffuser (if adjustable). For those who like heavy traction (classic) - you can remove the diffuser and enjoy the smoke of classic traction hookah!

We wish you to discover the attraction you like and the delicious smoke you wish,
Hookahshop.lt team!

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Read more: Smoking harm to your body - a preventive article